Pieve d’Alpago and its necropoli
- archaeology trail -
near Pieve d’Alpago

Braciale in bronzo. (foto Amici del Museo dell’Alpago)

     Both sites are situated at abut 1,000 metres above sea level and can only be reached on foot.
     The extraordinary discovery of the two necropoli near Pieve d’Alpago confirms the presence of people during the Iron Age and in Roman times on the slopes of Alpago and the finds seem to indicate a prosperous standard of living.
     On the Iron Age site a truncated conical situla (urn) made of bronze, decorated on three sides and dating from 5th century B.C. was found December 24, 2000. Currently being restored in the regional archaeology laboratory in Padova, this burial piece is of great importance, comparable to the “Benveuti” situla found at Este.
      The first discoveries were made in 1993 by members of the group “Friends of the Alpago Museum” at Staol near Curago and include the following objects: a glass jar with grave goods from tomb 3; a bronze situla with grave goods from tomb 1; a bronze situla with grave goods from tomb 2; several coins; bronze studs and fragments of studs; a bronze ring and bracelet.
      In August 2000 a scientific dig began, authorised by the Regional Archaeology Office and supervised by an archaeologist. This dig has not yet been completed as it is only active during summer months with the support of the above-mentioned “Friends of the Museum”.
      So far 84 square metres of turf have been removed bringing to light another tomb with a terracotta bowl and related grave goods, several coins from different periods between 1st century A.D. and 4th century A.D., many bronze studs, blue glass beads of a necklace, fragments of a glass balsam jar, a bronze ring and bracelet.
     The dig and scientific analysis, after the activities in 2003, will continue in 2004 in both necropoli. As agreed with the Regional Office the objects found will soon be returned to the Natural History Museum at Chies d’Alpago and displayed there in a room specially prepared by the local authority. Previous archaeological research in the area had produced prehistoric remains on Cansiglio, Roman remains near Pieve d’Alpago and early medieval remains at Farra d’Alpago.

Parti di situla “urna cineraria” in bronzo rinvenuta a Staol di Curago di cui si è conservato il coperchio, il fondo, il manico e le prese a conchiglia. Le due monete in bronzo sono parte del corredo funerario. (foto Amici del Museo dell’Alpago)